A New Song Born in Us Luke 2:1-20
On this beautiful Christmas Eve, we gather together to worship Christ, the Savior of the world! We gather together because we believe the Scriptures that tell us about God’s very Son being born into this world. No matter what you and I are experiencing in life at this very moment - the truth is: God cares! God comes to us where we are and promised to be Emmanuel, God with us. God comes to us wherever we are and brings light, healing, and hope.
As we seek this Christ-child anew this Christmas Eve - a new song can and will be born in us as it was some 2,000 years ago. As the Gospel of Luke reveals, Mary and Joseph had traveled to Bethlehem for the Roman census and to pay their taxes. No room could be found in any of the guest quarters at the Inn. Having been offered a stable with straw to lie in, Mary gave birth to her first born son, wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, a feed trough.
A crude way to give birth! There were no comfortable reassurances of family. There were no trusted friends, no mid-wife to help with the delivery. But, God was there. In this lowly, humble setting and in the vulnerability of a baby, soon to be named, Jesus, God entered the world in human flesh. In so doing, God came to be with us and God came to be one of us in every way except without sin. ________________________
For centuries, God’s servants saw One who was to come, and as the time approached this vision grew so clear that it would be almost possible for us to describe Christ’s life on earth from the Old Testament Scriptures, of which Jesus himself said, “They testify of Me”! There was one central figure in Israel’s hope: the work of the
world’s redemption was to be accomplished by one Man, the promised Messiah.
It was He who was to bruise the serpent’s head (Gen. 3:15). He was to be descended from Abraham (Gen.22:18). And from the tribe of Judah (Gen). Isaiah looked forward and saw first a great light shining upon the people that walked in darkness (Isa. 9:2). And as he gazed he saw that a child was to be born, a son was to be given (vs. 6) and with growing amazement there dawned upon him several names describing this new born King. WONDERFUL: Wonderful in his birth, for the advent of no other child had ever been heralded by the hosts of Heaven. His birth of a virgin and the appearance of the star were alike wonderful. His sinlessness was wonderful. COUNSELOR, THE MIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER, THE PRINCE OF PEACE ARE SOME OF THE OTHER NAMES GIVEN TO JESUS.
For centuries, God had been searching for ways to reach humanity and to build a lasting covenant of love. The prophets foretold his glory - they described his birth, his lowliness, his rejection, his sufferings, and his glory. Throughout history, people kept sinning - turning away from the Living God. They filled their lives with busyness but with little eternal purpose or value. They ran to other gods of their day but had no time to spend with the one true God. Although many believed in a God who would change history, few expected to encounter that God in a personal, direct way.
The direct way came some 2,000 years ago when baby Jesus was born. Fully human and fully divine. God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself. In Jesus, we meet the living God. In Jesus we meet the eternal Word of God. He is both Lord and Savior.
In the Gospel of John, chapter 17:1-5, we find Jesus looks to heaven and prays, “Father, the time has come, Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. Now this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.”
Before Jesus came to earth, he was one with God. At this point in the Gospel reading, when his mission on earth was almost finished, Jesus was asking his Father to restore him to his original place of honor and authority.
On this Christmas Eve - a new song can and will be born in us as we allow this living Savior to live in our hearts and in our lives. God desires a close, personal relationship with you and me. God created us and gave us life. He understands our hopes, dreams, our fears, our insecurities. He knows our fullest potential.
Christians believe in a living, active, involved God. God does for us what we cannot do for ourselves. God - fully divine, was born in this world - fully human. In Jesus Christ, God became like us in every way, except sin (Heb. 2:17-18; 4:15). Therefore, God fully understands our condition and our need. God’s Son longs to be your Savior from sin and the leader of your life! He desires all of us to offer him the broken, confused , imperfect things in our lives and in exchange, he will give us a new song of faith, hope, and love!
His wholeness is exchanged for our brokenness; his life for our sin and separation; his perfect love born anew in us, who are imperfect.
This wonderful covenant of love became a reality on that first Christmas and continues to become a reality throughout the year as individuals openly profess their sins and claim Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives.
Someone once said: “The universal joy of Christmas is certainly wonderful. We ring the bells when princes are born, or toll a mournful dirge when great men pass away. Nations have their red-letter days, their carnivals and festivals but once, the whole world stands still to celebrate the advent of a life. Only Jesus of Nazareth claims this world-wide, undying remembrance. You cannot cut Christmas out of the calendar, nor out of the heart of the world.” (Anonymous)
As the Bible says in John 3:16, “For God so love the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”
You and I were made by God, for a deep, personal relationship of faith! When we freely accept this gift, we are transformed by the power of God’s Holy Spirit! A new song can be sung. Profound peace possesses us despite the sorrows, the painful circumstances, the confusion, trials and tribulations of life. When this happens, we know that God is truly with us, we are not alone. Christmas is born in our hearts! This Christmas Eve, ask Jesus anew in your hearts - receive this wonderful gift of life and life eternal. May a new song be born in your hearts and lives. What a wonderful God we worship here this evening!
Let us pray...................Loving God, thank you for creating us and for caring so much about us that you sent your only Son, Jesus, to be with us. When we are afraid, calm us. When we are confused, clarify what you are trying to teach us. Wherever we have doubted you or mistrusted you, grant us clarity and reveal yourself to us. Reassure each one here of your care. Help us to know and to experience deep within the power of your love. Grant us the humility, the teachable spirit, and the openness to you that will give rise to a new song, a song of freedom, a song of joy, a song of hope and life everlasting. We pray these things in your glorious name, Lord Jesus. Amen.
On this beautiful Christmas Eve, we gather together to worship Christ, the Savior of the world! We gather together because we believe the Scriptures that tell us about God’s very Son being born into this world. No matter what you and I are experiencing in life at this very moment - the truth is: God cares! God comes to us where we are and promised to be Emmanuel, God with us. God comes to us wherever we are and brings light, healing, and hope.
As we seek this Christ-child anew this Christmas Eve - a new song can and will be born in us as it was some 2,000 years ago. As the Gospel of Luke reveals, Mary and Joseph had traveled to Bethlehem for the Roman census and to pay their taxes. No room could be found in any of the guest quarters at the Inn. Having been offered a stable with straw to lie in, Mary gave birth to her first born son, wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, a feed trough.
A crude way to give birth! There were no comfortable reassurances of family. There were no trusted friends, no mid-wife to help with the delivery. But, God was there. In this lowly, humble setting and in the vulnerability of a baby, soon to be named, Jesus, God entered the world in human flesh. In so doing, God came to be with us and God came to be one of us in every way except without sin. ________________________
For centuries, God’s servants saw One who was to come, and as the time approached this vision grew so clear that it would be almost possible for us to describe Christ’s life on earth from the Old Testament Scriptures, of which Jesus himself said, “They testify of Me”! There was one central figure in Israel’s hope: the work of the
world’s redemption was to be accomplished by one Man, the promised Messiah.
It was He who was to bruise the serpent’s head (Gen. 3:15). He was to be descended from Abraham (Gen.22:18). And from the tribe of Judah (Gen). Isaiah looked forward and saw first a great light shining upon the people that walked in darkness (Isa. 9:2). And as he gazed he saw that a child was to be born, a son was to be given (vs. 6) and with growing amazement there dawned upon him several names describing this new born King. WONDERFUL: Wonderful in his birth, for the advent of no other child had ever been heralded by the hosts of Heaven. His birth of a virgin and the appearance of the star were alike wonderful. His sinlessness was wonderful. COUNSELOR, THE MIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER, THE PRINCE OF PEACE ARE SOME OF THE OTHER NAMES GIVEN TO JESUS.
For centuries, God had been searching for ways to reach humanity and to build a lasting covenant of love. The prophets foretold his glory - they described his birth, his lowliness, his rejection, his sufferings, and his glory. Throughout history, people kept sinning - turning away from the Living God. They filled their lives with busyness but with little eternal purpose or value. They ran to other gods of their day but had no time to spend with the one true God. Although many believed in a God who would change history, few expected to encounter that God in a personal, direct way.
The direct way came some 2,000 years ago when baby Jesus was born. Fully human and fully divine. God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself. In Jesus, we meet the living God. In Jesus we meet the eternal Word of God. He is both Lord and Savior.
In the Gospel of John, chapter 17:1-5, we find Jesus looks to heaven and prays, “Father, the time has come, Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. Now this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.”
Before Jesus came to earth, he was one with God. At this point in the Gospel reading, when his mission on earth was almost finished, Jesus was asking his Father to restore him to his original place of honor and authority.
On this Christmas Eve - a new song can and will be born in us as we allow this living Savior to live in our hearts and in our lives. God desires a close, personal relationship with you and me. God created us and gave us life. He understands our hopes, dreams, our fears, our insecurities. He knows our fullest potential.
Christians believe in a living, active, involved God. God does for us what we cannot do for ourselves. God - fully divine, was born in this world - fully human. In Jesus Christ, God became like us in every way, except sin (Heb. 2:17-18; 4:15). Therefore, God fully understands our condition and our need. God’s Son longs to be your Savior from sin and the leader of your life! He desires all of us to offer him the broken, confused , imperfect things in our lives and in exchange, he will give us a new song of faith, hope, and love!
His wholeness is exchanged for our brokenness; his life for our sin and separation; his perfect love born anew in us, who are imperfect.
This wonderful covenant of love became a reality on that first Christmas and continues to become a reality throughout the year as individuals openly profess their sins and claim Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives.
Someone once said: “The universal joy of Christmas is certainly wonderful. We ring the bells when princes are born, or toll a mournful dirge when great men pass away. Nations have their red-letter days, their carnivals and festivals but once, the whole world stands still to celebrate the advent of a life. Only Jesus of Nazareth claims this world-wide, undying remembrance. You cannot cut Christmas out of the calendar, nor out of the heart of the world.” (Anonymous)
As the Bible says in John 3:16, “For God so love the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”
You and I were made by God, for a deep, personal relationship of faith! When we freely accept this gift, we are transformed by the power of God’s Holy Spirit! A new song can be sung. Profound peace possesses us despite the sorrows, the painful circumstances, the confusion, trials and tribulations of life. When this happens, we know that God is truly with us, we are not alone. Christmas is born in our hearts! This Christmas Eve, ask Jesus anew in your hearts - receive this wonderful gift of life and life eternal. May a new song be born in your hearts and lives. What a wonderful God we worship here this evening!
Let us pray...................Loving God, thank you for creating us and for caring so much about us that you sent your only Son, Jesus, to be with us. When we are afraid, calm us. When we are confused, clarify what you are trying to teach us. Wherever we have doubted you or mistrusted you, grant us clarity and reveal yourself to us. Reassure each one here of your care. Help us to know and to experience deep within the power of your love. Grant us the humility, the teachable spirit, and the openness to you that will give rise to a new song, a song of freedom, a song of joy, a song of hope and life everlasting. We pray these things in your glorious name, Lord Jesus. Amen.